
http://www.sagemath.org is basically completely back online. This
restores all the SAGE web services except for the notebooks.
In particular, if you do

 export SAGE_SERVER="http://www.sagemath.org/";

you should be able to get optional packages, do hg_sage.send('package.hg')
etc.  In sage-2.4 the default server will be www.sagemath.org, since setting
this explicitly won't be necessary.

Basically I've moved all the sage-related web services onto
modular.math.washington.edu (which is what www.sagemath.org points
to), which is a very stable Sun Fire V20z server that has never
crashed.  All computation-related tasks will be on

I'm working on sage.math.washington.edu right now.  I'm now trying  to
install amd64 Debian (not ubuntu), as it turned out that the university
Redhat site license is only for the 32-bit version of Redhat.

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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