On Mar 23, 2007, at 09:01 , Bill Page wrote:

> As much as I value getting some long needed press for things
> related to computer algebra, I am particularly disturbed that a
> high profile publication like Science Magazine from the American
> Association for the Advancement of Science should so badly
> misrepresent the nature of a computer algebra system!

The software used in the E8 project is readily available, and it  
looks to be more-or-less pure C++.  There is only one mention of  
SAGE, and that is in a directory string: "/data1/sage".

I think that they used sage.math, not SAGE.

Still, there is a bunch of hype that could be misleading, but I don't  
think it's a big deal.  "Any publicity...", as has been often observed.


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
Men are from Earth.
Women are from Earth.
    Deal with it.

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