
sorry to not get back to you sooner, but I was rather busy with
CoCoALib stuff today.

On Feb 9, 1:56 am, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the question is "are there applications of Grobner bases over ZZ?"
> then the answer I believe is yes. George Nakos, a colleague 2 doors
> down the hall
> who implemented one of the first Grobner basis  computaitons over ZZ
> (for Mma, years and years ago) for the purpose of doing homotopy
> computations. I don't remember any details but I vaguely remember
> the point was that the fact that ZZ was needed (as opposed to a field)
> corresponded to some grading that one needed to keep track of. If
> details are needed, I could ask him for a reference. BTW, Mma was too slow
> to make as much progress as he wanted and I don't remember if he ever
> got Magma (while we had it) to do what he wanted. I think George might
> still be interested in a very fast implementation over ZZ, since SAGE is free.
> If you want me to ask, just tell me.

If he could write up some of his experience I certainly wouldn't
mind :)

We would obviously be interested if somebody would like to implement
on top of CoCoALib. 0.98 is going to be released under the GPL 2.0
any restrictions by the end of February. I would be more than willing
to give assistance
and make sure that the code is up to coding convention so that it can
be smoothly
integrated into the library.

I took a very superficial look at Chapter 4 in Adams/Loustaunau's "An
To Gröbner Bases": Gröbner Bases over Rings and the main paper they
refer to is by
Michael Möller written in 1988. It is not available from his website


but since he sits four floors down from my office I will try to drop
by on Monday and
ask him if he can put it up.

At least some of the algorithms from Möller's paper have been
implemented in Singular
(no surprise there I guess), so if there is anybody out there familiar
with the Singular
code base I would be thankful for pointers. My most detailed
knowledge of the sources is
more in the area of slimgb and the omalloc slab allocator they use, so
that would save me
at least some time.

William also referred to "Dynamical Systems of Algebraic Origin".  by
Klaus Schmidt
in Vienna, but I would also be interested in other articles. My time
is booked up till the end
of March, but this sounds like an interesting thing to do in the
summer :) - if nobody else likes
to do it.



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