William Stein wrote:

> I've released SAGE-2.1.  It's a nontrivial release. 

This is what happens on FC 5 hg_sage.pull() in 2.0
and doing sage -br


[... snipped]

sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp:41: error: ‘spy’ was not declared 
in this scope
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp: In function ‘void 
set_matrix(__mpz_struct (**)[1], 
LinBox::DenseMatrix<LinBox::UnparametricField<Integer> >&, 
size_t, size_t)’:
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp:52: error: ‘spy’ was not declared 
in this scope
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp: In function ‘void 
linbox_integer_dense_minpoly_hacked(__mpz_struct (**)[1], size_t*, size_t, 
__mpz_struct (**)[1], 
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp:74: error: ‘spy’ was not declared 
in this scope
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp:106: error: ‘spy’ was not declared 
in this scope
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp:116: error: ‘spy’ was not declared 
in this scope
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp: In function ‘void 
linbox_integer_dense_charpoly(__mpz_struct (**)[1], size_t*, size_t, 
__mpz_struct (**)[1])’:
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp:133: error: ‘spy’ was not declared 
in this scope
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp: In function ‘void 
linbox_integer_dense_minpoly(__mpz_struct (**)[1], size_t*, size_t, 
__mpz_struct (**)[1])’:
sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense_linbox.cpp:150: error: ‘spy’ was not declared 
in this scope
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
sage: There was an error installing modified sage library code.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sage]# sage
| SAGE Version 2.0, Release Date: 2007-01-28                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

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