On Nov 7, 2006, at 10:02 PM, William Stein wrote:

> On Tue, 07 Nov 2006 09:31:43 -0800, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> %sage
>> notebook code
>> notebook code
>> notebook code
>> %html
>> ...
>> ...
>> %sage
>> notebook code
>> notebook code
>> Would you be allowed to switch contexts within a control structure?
> Hmm.  My first thought is "heavens no" (mainly because in Python it
> is impossible to modify the locals() dictionary).
>> class foo:
>>    %sagex           #this is useful
>>    def bar(self,n):
>>      return n*n
>>    %sage
>>    def baz(self,m):
>>      n = float(m^3)   #that's an exponent
>>      %sagex           #getting ugly...
>>      cdef double p
>>      p = n**(-2)
>>      n = p - n
>>      %python          #holy crap
>>      k = int(n*100000)
>>      k = k ^ int(m)   #that's an xor
>>      return p*k

I think the %context thing works great at the top of a cell, but I  
think it could get very ugly in a file, and not just in control  
structures. For instance, imagine having a function at the top of a  
class, and just moving it to the bottom hand having it give different  
results due to some %pyrex or %python or %sage command (or two or  
three) somewhere in the middle of the file. There's no obvious place  
to look to determine your current context--it could be anywhere  
between where you are now and the top of the file.

>> I kinda like how pyrex does it.  Maybe you could _judiciously_ add  
>> a few
>> new defs.
>> xdef -> sagex
>> fdef -> f2py
>> wdef -> weave
> That might work.  That's an interesting idea I hadn't considered,  
> namely
> if a .sage file has
> cdef foo(n,m):
>      ...
> then the whole body is considered Pyrex.  I.e., currently the way
> Pyrex works it takes the entire .pyx file and makes it into a c file
> that is compiled into an extension.  Often big chunks of the file are
> in fact plain python code.   An alternative would be to somehow
> *merge* .pyx into .sage, so that any blocks of code that involve
> cdef's (etc.) actually get pyrexed, but the non-cdef stuff all stays
> as normal Python.  Very interesting.   The resulting merged language
> could be properly called "SageX".

I like this idea much better, things have a more obvious scope. I'm  
not sure how it would work implementation wise, but it has always  
seemed like such a waste to me that huge chunks of python code get  
turned into c and compiled to be able to use it anywhere in the file.  
It could also speed up compile time a lot (perhaps a recompile would  
not even always be necessary) though it could be subtle when pyrex is  
being used (e.g. if values of self are referred too nothing need be  
explicitly cdef'd).

>> I think the coolest thing about sage is that it's native language is
>> python.  I personally believe that any programmer worth h(er|is) salt
>> should be able to rapidly switch between 3 to 10 languages at a time.
> I can't do that.  That's one of the reasons I like Pyrex -- it looks
> almost the same as Python, so I can have C speed and access to C  
> libraries
> while not having to think that I'm switching from Python to C and
> back all the time (with the accompanying messed up braces and
> semicolons...).
>> However, that's a poor philosophy when one wants to attract student
>> programmers, or worse, SAGE users (mathematicians, many of whom don't
>> trust computers already).
> Yes, the primary audience for SAGE is definitely not "programmers  
> worth
> h(er|is) salt" in the sense you describe above!
> William
> >

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