This replaces the build dependency on perl with one on awk which is
already used in the build system and is much more ubiquitous than perl
--- |  2 +-
 mkproto.awk | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  | 48 ------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 mkproto.awk
 delete mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
index f912f312..d7ddbc41 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ proto.h: proto.h-tstamp
        @if test -f proto.h; then :; else cp -p $(srcdir)/proto.h .; fi
 proto.h-tstamp: $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c config.h
-       perl $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c
+       awk -f $(srcdir)/mkproto.awk $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c
 man: rsync.1 rsyncd.conf.5 man-copy
diff --git a/mkproto.awk b/mkproto.awk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c6fcdd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkproto.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+    while (getline i <"proto.h") old_protos = old_protos ? old_protos "\n" i : 
+    protos = "/* This file is automatically generated with \"make proto\". DO 
NOT EDIT */\n"
+inheader {
+    protos = protos "\n" ((inheader = /\)[ \t]*$/ ? 0 : 1) ? $0 : $0 ";")
+    next
+/^FN_(LOCAL|GLOBAL)_[^(]+\([^,()]+/ {
+    local = /^FN_LOCAL/
+    gsub(/^FN_(LOC|GLOB)AL_|,.*$/, "")
+    sub(/^BOOL\(/, "BOOL ")
+    sub(/^CHAR\(/, "char ")
+    sub(/^INTEGER\(/, "int ")
+    sub(/^STRING\(/, "char *")
+    protos = protos "\n" $0 (local ? "(int module_id);" : "(void);")
+    next
+/^static|^extern|;/||!/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* / { next }
+/\(.*\)[ \t]*$/ {
+    protos = protos "\n" $0 ";"
+    next
+/\(/ {
+    inheader = 1
+    protos = protos "\n" $0
+END {
+    if (old_protos != protos) print protos > "proto.h"
+    print "" > "proto.h-tstamp"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index cdeb2ea3..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# generate prototypes for rsync
-$old_protos = '';
-if (open(IN, 'proto.h')) {
-    $old_protos = join('', <IN>);
-    close IN;
-%FN_MAP = (
-    BOOL => 'BOOL ',
-    CHAR => 'char ',
-    INTEGER => 'int ',
-    STRING => 'char *',
-$inheader = 0;
-$protos = qq|/* This file is automatically generated with "make proto". DO NOT 
EDIT */\n\n|;
-while (<>) {
-    if ($inheader) {
-       if (/[)][ \t]*$/) {
-           $inheader = 0;
-           s/$/;/;
-       }
-       $protos .= $_;
-    } elsif (/^FN_(LOCAL|GLOBAL)_([^(]+)\(([^,()]+)/) {
-       $ret = $FN_MAP{$2};
-       $func = $3;
-       $arg = $1 eq 'LOCAL' ? 'int module_id' : 'void';
-       $protos .= "$ret$func($arg);\n";
-    } elsif (/^static|^extern/ || /[;]/ || !/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* /) {
-       ;
-    } elsif (/[(].*[)][ \t]*$/) {
-       s/$/;/;
-       $protos .= $_;
-    } elsif (/[(]/) {
-       $inheader = 1;
-       $protos .= $_;
-    }
-if ($old_protos ne $protos) {
-    open(OUT, '>proto.h') or die $!;
-    print OUT $protos;
-    close OUT;
-open(OUT, '>proto.h-tstamp') and close OUT;

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