--- Comment #12 from Roman Dubtsov <> ---
Hi, I think I've found the source of this bug. 

send_xattr_request() skips xattrs that are abbreviated:

552         case XSTATE_ABBREV:
553             /* Items left abbreviated matched the sender's checksum, so
554              * the receiver will cache the local data for future use. */
555             if (am_generator)
556                 rxa->datum[0] = XSTATE_DONE;
557             continue;

But recv_xattrs_request() does not have a good way to detect skipped elements
because it is only able to traverse the xattrs list once.

I do not understand the code well enough to understand if it's reasonable to
skip abbreviated xattrs, so I do not have a better solution than the one by
SATOH Fumiyasu which modifies recv_xattrs_request() to loop over xattrs list
multiple times.

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