--- Comment #5 from Hans-Kristian <> --- I am running into this on rsync v3.1.1 in Debian Jessie. The symptoms are the same as #3, and as 3.1.1 have the patch in as I have understood I think this is another issue. Command: rsync -avihh --stats --out-format=%i %C %n%L --numeric-ids --partial-dir=.rsync-partial --timeout=600 --acls --xattrs --fake-super -e ssh -i <key> -f merge <rule_file> root@<source>:/ <destination> Result: [sender] could not find xattr #1 for root/test rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at xattrs.c(622) [sender=3.1.1] 2015-08-15 17:50:54 -> Rsync returned non-zero exit code [ 2 ] The issue is caused by attributes set via Samba4 and only when "security.NTACL" and "user.DOSATTRIB" coexists. Other xattrs set on the same file doesn't seem to matter. Reproducer for a problematic source file: --- #!/bin/bash set -e dest="/root/test" [[ -f ${dest} ]] && rm -f "${dest}" echo "1" > "${dest}" setfattr -n "security.NTACL" -v "0sBAAEAAAAAgAEAAIAAQCN16Y6BFqNVEMomAM+v42pydr5hYsoWGyPpwyCBv866wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcG9zaXhfYWNsAJzHXbI01dABZggOgcJ1PT/NJyBGmeTVwbN/3SXfnPAVXgM5MFQOssUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEABIC0AAAA0AAAAAAAAADsAAAAAQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAeg7SFXszBjXjUnZeUAQAAAEFAAAAAAAFFQAAAHoO0hV7MwY141J2XgECAAACAHgABAAAAAAAJAD/AR8AAQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAeg7SFXszBjXjUnZeUAQAAAAAFAD/AR8AAQEAAAAAAAUSAAAAAAAkAAAAAAABBQAAAAAABRUAAAB6DtIVezMGNeNSdl4BAgAAAAAUAAAAAAABAQAAAAAAAQAAAAA=" "${dest}" setfattr -n "user.DOSATTRIB" -v "0sMHgyMAAAAwADAAAAEQAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABE9FdC2w9ABAAAAAAAAAAA=" "${dest}" --- -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the QA Contact for the bug. -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: Before posting, read: