Wayne Davison <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
         Resolution|                            |WONTFIX

--- Comment #18 from Wayne Davison <> 2014-04-13 16:22:17 UTC 
Having too much verbosity going is an easy way to cause rsync to hang.  If you
need it, try using --msgs2stderr so that the protocol doesn't have to deal with
all that verbosity.

The strace looks like everyone is everyone is trying to write to their
pipe/socket file handle at the same time with nobody reading, so the above
should get you unstuck.  While it would be good to try to fix such a
high-verbosity deadlock, it is not something that is easy to do (since there
are times that a process must write before doing more reading, and the huge
quantity of messages clog things up).

If there is some other hang you are experiencing (without the high verbosity),
feel free to attach a strace of that run to this bug and re-open.

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