--- Comment #8 from Colin Rice <> 2014-04-12 16:51:44 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #7)
> can you tell if there is some special type of mount involved?
It is copying from an ecrypted partition mounted with dm-crypt to another
encrypted partition mounted with dm-crypt
> what type of filesystem on src / destination ?
Both are btrfs
> large files ?
Some files are in the 100m range. I'm doing a fully filesystem backup off of a
linux machine.
> for how long did you wait for finish ? (
> )
I've waited overnight.
> i would try rsync via localhost, i.e. make rsync use the tcpip-stack and
> perhaps also add bwlimit option, just to see if that makes a difference.
Will try
> maybe we can see if this is an rsync issue or filesystem/disk issue.
> i would also try another target path just to see how it behaves
Like try and backup a portion of the file system?

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