Hiroyuki Ikegami <ike...@mixallow.net> wrote:
> 2014-02-15 7:39 GMT+09:00 Grozdan <neutri...@gmail.com>:
> > Yesterday, I changed my rsyncd.conf file to add one more module to it.
> > Then I sent a kill -HUP $pid signal to rsync running in daemon mode,
> > but what gives? It just died so I had to start it up again. I though
> > sending a HUP would just make it reload its config file, no?
> Many softwares catches SIGHUP as a trigger to reload configurations.
> But it is a kind of software design. If the programmer does not want to
> write signal handling code, the programs received HUP just dies.

This really ought to go on the to-do list.  It is a very
longstanding convention that a daemon should reinitialize itself
(for some reasonable definition of reinitialize) upon receiving
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