On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Andrew Daviel <ad...@triumf.ca> wrote:
> That's a Perl script to "restrict rsync to subdirectory declared in > .ssh/authorized_keys". > The rrsync is a perl script that limits the user to only running authorized rsync commands, including restricting options, optionally making it read-only, optionally restricting directories, etc. It's similar to rssh, but only supports rsync. The problem you're encountering with rssh is a very old one where it was rejecting the use of -e combined with --server, which is not correct (the correct method is to reject any rsync command that doesn't have --server as the first option, and then no checking of the -e option is needed). This was pointed out to them years ago, and was fixed in various debian/red hat/etc packaged versions of rssh. If you don't have a fixed version, you can find some fixed source code via those source packages. Or choose to switch to using the rrsync script. ..wayne..
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