I was trying to use rsync to send files to a fileserver using an rssh
restricted server.
It refuses, saying that trying to override the shell with -e is forbidden. I
didn't type "-e".
When I look at the source, I see
/* Checking the pre-negotiated value allows --protocol=29 override. */
if (protocol_version >= 30) {
/* We make use of the -e option to let the server know about
* any pre-release protocol version && some behavior flags. */
argstr[x++] = 'e';
The server is using version 26 and probably doesn't support -e.s anyway.
Why is rsync ignoring the negotiated protocol version and sending unsupported
options ?
Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376 (Pacific Time)
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