Dear Frantisek,
your question refers to the application of spherical harmonic models for PO description/correction in Rietveld QPA of minerals in multiphases samples. My five cents:

The spherical harmonic models do not have any direct physical meaning. They just fulfill the symmetry of the Laue class, and they can only be applied if the geometry of you diffraction experiment is rotational symmetric (e.g. in Bragg-Brentano geometry with flat (rotating) sample and point detector). The models can work successfully in QPA only if the normalization of the scale factors works correctly. Improved Rwp is not a criterion for good/bad model decision.

From practical point of view, the models can be applied only if there is enough information in the powder pattern (measured peak intensities in different hkl directions), in relation of the degrees of freedom (number of refineable parameters what are introduced by the the models).

The effective number of parameters of the several orders of these functions and related to the Laue classes is discussed, for example, in S. Matthies and K. Helming. General Consideration of the loss of information on . . . . phys. stat. sol. (b), 113:569–582, 1982, or table 1 in J. Bergmann, T. Monecke, and R. Kleeberg. Alternative algorithm for the correction of preferred orientation in rietveld analysis. J. Appl. Cryst., 34:16–19, 2001., cited from Bunge, H. J. (1993). Texture Analysis in Material Science: Mathematical Methods. GoÈ ttingen: Cuvillier. Accordingly, you need higher orders of SH's for higher symmetric materials. My personal rule of thumb for minerals is order 2 for triclinic and monoclinic, 4 for orthorhombic/hexagonal/tetragonal, and 6 for cubic phases. Doing so, you introduce maximum of 6 effective correction parameters but still have a correction effect. (For comparison, for triclinic structure a 6. order would introduce 28 (!) effective parameters, "with enough parameters you can fit...".)

To reduce the danger of over-parametrization by such models, the BGMN software automatically deactivates SH models when not enough peaks or not enough intensity is in the patterns as found in the first refinement cycles. The fit becomes worse of course, but totally nonsense QPA results are avoided. However, even by this strategy correction models may fail in QPA, when extreme correction factors are calculated maybe by correlation problems etc.. Thus, one should have a look on the hkl specific correction factors (m.r.d.'s). Of course, negative intensities should not appear at all, if the software uses a quadratic or exponential form, like BGMN. But extremely sharp PO may still be a significant problem for SH models. Personally, I don't trust my QPA results when correction factors of < 0.4 or > 3 appear in a QPA refinement. In such cases we try to prepare a better (more randomly oriented) powder sample and repeat the analysis.

Best regards


Am 17/01/2017 um 16:33 schrieb Laufek František:

Here it is:

J. Appl. Cryst. (2005), 38, 158-167.

Powder Diffraction (2009), 24(4), 315-326.


*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Cline, James Dr. (Fed)
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:54 PM
*To:* Laufek František
*Subject:* RE: order of Spherical Harmonics for correction of PO

OK, can you list the citations for the papers in question?


James P. Cline
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
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*From:* <> [] *On Behalf Of *Laufek František
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 17, 2017 8:30 AM
*To:* 'Sitepu, Husinsyah' < <>>
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*Subject:* RE: order of Spherical Harmonics for correction of PO

Dear Husin,

Thank you very much for the papers!

Best Regards,


*From:*Sitepu, Husinsyah []
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 17, 2017 6:37 AM
*To:* František Laufek
*Subject:* RE: order of Spherical Harmonics for correction of PO

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*Dear Dr Laufek,*


*The enclosed articles are probably useful information to answer your question.*


*All the best for the New Year.*




*/Husin Sitepu, PhD/*

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*From:* <> [] *On Behalf Of *František Laufek
*Sent:* Monday, January 16, 2017 12:11 AM
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*Subject:* order of Spherical Harmonics for correction of PO

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Dear colleagues,

I use Rietveld method for quantitative phase analysis. I use Topas 5 and now I have started using

Spherical Harmonics for correction of preferred orientation (instead of March-Dollas correction).

I mainly collect data in Bragg-Brentano geometry; samples are usually prepared by front or side-loading.

My question is: Which order of Spherical Harmonics do you recommend to use for the purpose of QPA? i.e. for mineral phases like calcite, mica, feldspars, plagioclase, kaolinite?

(Most atomic position are usually fixed, refined are only scale factors, unit-cell parameters, size, Debye-Waller parameters…).

I know that using high order Spherical Harmonic may lead to nice fits, however with meaningless results and therefore the high orders should be used with cautions.

I observe the drop of Rwp when introducing the Spherical Harmonics correction and when it becomes insignificant, than I reduce the order. E.g. for calcite, it is order of 2, for kaolinite order of 4 (i.e. using higher order lead only to insignificant drop of Rwp).

Your suggestions, experiences and comments are welcome.

Frantisek Laufek

Czech Geological Survey,


Czech Republic


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