I bought Leister Mini a couple of years ago. It is a complete system (excluding 
an air supply) for around 2500 CHF purchased here. It doesn't blow a lot of hot 
air, but more than enough to heat up a capillary. The TC is not particularly 
sophisticated either, and i don't think has the option of external control (i 
could be wrong on that though). But it does a good job for a cheap all-in-one 

I also looked at these 
 but then a separate TC is needed.

One thing i did notice when i was looking was that getting above 800C the 
choices thin out a lot, and the Cyberstar is the only one i found that goes 
over 900C.


From: alan.he...@gmail.com [alan.he...@gmail.com] on behalf of Alan Hewat 
Sent: 03 July 2015 13:02
To: Radovan Cerny
Cc: SAJ Kimber; rietveld_l@ill.fr; Yaroslav Filinchuk UCL
Subject: RE: Cyberstar hot air blowers

I was not complaining about the cost, just questioning what was quoted - only 
two thousand CHF ? Does that include a precise temperature controller - or just 
the hot air ?

  From my mobile telephone
 Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<alan.he...@neutronoptics.com> +33.476.98.41.68

On 3 Jul 2015 12:52, "Radovan Cerny" 
<radovan.ce...@unige.ch<mailto:radovan.ce...@unige.ch>> wrote:
Complaining about the cost of small Swiss companies is not appropriate on the 
Rietveld list :)

On Facebook it would be automatically censored by BB …

I have the same heater, and once you calibrate it is quite stable and precise.

Destroying the samples is more expensive in the industry than in our labs …

Radovan Cerny
Laboratoire de Cristallographie, DQMP
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Phone  : [+[41] 22] 37 964 50, FAX : [+[41] 22] 37 961 08
mailto : radovan.ce...@unige.ch<mailto:radovan.ce...@unige.ch>
URL    : http://www.unige.ch/sciences/crystal/cerny/rcerny.htm

De : alan.he...@gmail.com<mailto:alan.he...@gmail.com> 
[mailto:alan.he...@gmail.com<mailto:alan.he...@gmail.com>] De la part de Alan 
Envoyé : vendredi 3 juillet 2015 12:15
À : Yaroslav Filinchuk UCL
Cc : SAJ Kimber; rietveld_l@ill.fr<mailto:rietveld_l@ill.fr>
Objet : Re: Cyberstar hot air blowers

2000 CHF? Precise temperature control is essential since often you will want to 
work near transitions where you risk destroying your sample. That also costs.

  From my mobile telephone
 Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
On 3 Jul 2015 11:38, "Yaroslav Filinchuk UCL" 
<yaroslav.filinc...@uclouvain.be<mailto:yaroslav.filinc...@uclouvain.be>> wrote:
Hello Simon,

we are successfully using a programmable hot air blower (25-750°C) called Le 
Mini Sensor Kit 800, from the Swiss company Leister. It costs about 2000 CHF, 
and is aimed at the industrial use. It allows to do ramps, it follows the 
protocol very closely, but the temperatures and real ramp rates have to be 

Best regards,

Friday, July 3, 2015, 10:38:50 AM, you wrote:

Dear All,

Sorry not a direct Rietveld question, but I hope somebody can help  : )

We often use high temperature (RT - 1000 C) gas blowers at ESRF for their 
flexibility and low background. Those made by Cyberstar seem to have become 
prohibitively expensive. Does anyone know of a competing supplier?

best wishes,


Dr. Simon A.J. Kimber
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility,
71 Avenue des Martyrs,
38000 Grenoble,
0033 (0)47688 2773

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