Dear Leonid.

You have a point, but they also have other evidence for lower symmetry.
(Personally I have for long believed, secretly, that all structures were at
best triclinic, and that everything else was just an average :-) I know you
like to be provocative, but let's not start a little war over this.
Normally the referees and journals, together with the authors, are
responsible for what they publish.

Best wishes, Alan.

On 9 May 2015 at 19:02, Leonid Solovyov <> wrote:

> Regarding the query of Leopoldo Suescun:
> ”Shouldn´t the IUCr take action and try to influence the journals that
> frequently publish x-ray data (as a complementary characterization
> technique but that determines the validity of other results) to have
> well-trained crystallographers review any article that contains x-ray
> diffraction data?”
> Unfortunately, the issue of crystallographic review is problematic even in
> the IUCr journals, especially for powder data. A fresh instance from Acta B:
> where the crystal structures of alpha-Fe2O3 and alpha-Cr2O3 are
> “re-refined” to be monoclinic. The monoclinic symmetry is “substantiated”
> by the observation of a “complex” peak broadening that, in fact, is well
> described by the anisotropic strain model available in all popular Rietveld
> programs.
> With such structure validation, all crystal structures may be re-refined,
> potentially, to lower symmetry, as the anisotropic strain broadening is a
> common powder pattern feature.
> If this practice is accepted in an IUCr journal, what can we expect from
> non-crystallographic literature?
>  *******************************************************
> Leonid A. Solovyov
> Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
> 660036, Akademgorodok 50/24, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
> *******************************************************
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