Dear Alan,
Maybe the below information is useful for you to solve your problems:
1. The message-footer.txt attachment.
Per default, your mailing list setting for a footer type is set to 'append',
which appends the footer as plain text. If you compose messages to your list
mainly in HTML or Rich-Text format, this might not be the right setting for
you. The message entails so-called MIME parts with different format versions
(plain-text and HTML in that case). Most email clients display only the HTML
version and therefore not the appended plain-text footer. Changing the
attachment type fixes this.
Email format / Sympa setting append
HTML no visible footer
visible footer + attachment
Rich-Text no visible footer
visible footer + attachment
Plain-Text visible footer
visible footer
To fix this please follow these steps to set up the footer attachment type:
1.Login to your Sympa account.
2.Under Your Lists click Admin > Edit List Config > Sending/reception.
3.In the right-hand pane, near the bottom, change the "Attachment type " by
clicking the pulldown-arrow and selecting mime.
4.Click the Update button at the end of the page.
2. Attachment forbidden
Sending Scenarios
To change which send scenario is being used for your list, select the list
under “Your Lists,” then click “List Administration” in the “List Operations”
section, then “Edit List Configuration,” and finally “Sending/Receiving Setup”
— the send scenario choices are in the first section, named “Who can send
messages.” Available choices include:
Anyone may send to the list. Messages with attachments are simply
Good luck!
Song Zhen
Song Zhen
Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry
University of Science and Technology Beijing
At 2015-05-09 17:39:46, "Alan Hewat" <> wrote:
Dear Rietveld list.
Good to see so many people asking for the list to be continued. And even an
example of an interesting scientific question immediately answered by an
expert. Encouraging.
So why do I forbid "sinful" attachments ? (No, it's not because I'm getting old
and snarky, though we all do eventually :-) Think of the Rietveld list as a
kind of relaxed "Twitter", except that you are not limited to 140 characters.
And what about Google's decision this month to favour sites that can be used on
a mobile phone ? Yes, even oldies use mobile phones for email. SMS is another
example of beauty in brevity.
Then the Rietveld Archive is an excellent record of past discussions - without
the attachments. Messages that rely on attachments are then often
incomprehensible - look up that message on Frankly, if you need more than
that, put it on a webserver with a link to it. Such links are preserved in the
If you see my own warning about "no attachments" as an attachment :-) perhaps
you should check how your email client is set up. Or tell me how I can do it
differently with SYMPA I didn't design the mail server nor the
mail archive. Clearly, it is difficult to enforce a simple "no attachments"
rule, so what would it be like policing a "small attachments" rule ? Even if
you personally have lots of space for email, our webserver (for which we don't
pay) would still have to distribute ~1500 copies of your "small attachment".
In this particular case, a figure from an unpublished paper was published and
criticised out of context. Is that really fair? If it's from a referee's copy
we shouldn't even refer to it, let alone publish it. If it's a pre-print, just
publish a link to it. But there are already plenty of examples in the published
literature if you are looking for evidence of regression.
So where are the "Apologies"? There are none :-) "Excuse me" is what people say
when they elbow their way through a crowd. (I only do that when I really need
to). So if you really need to attach a document, go ahead. After all, you can
still read the list on the archive.
Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<> +33.476.98.41.68
Please do NOT attach files to the whole list <>
Send commands to <> eg: HELP as the subject with no body text
The Rietveld_L list archive is on