Dear Mikko,
In view of Leonid's space group it could be a alpha-PbO2 type *di*oxide
Best regards
On 25.10.2013 10:53, Leonid Solovyov wrote:
Dear Mikko,
Your XRD pattern is well approximated by an orthorhombic Pbcn
structure with lattice parameters a=5.187, b=5.607, c=5.311, which
may present a new anisotropically disported polymorph of cubic
Best regards,
Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
On , Leonid Solovyov <> wrote:
Dear Mikko,
Your XRD pattern is well approximated by an orthorhombic Pbcn
structure with lattice parameters a=5.187, b=5.607, c=5.311, which
may present a new anisotropically disported polymorph of cubic
Best regards,
Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
On Friday, October 25, 2013 2:33 PM, Mikko Heikkilä
<> wrote:
Dear Rietvelders,
I decided to completely embarrass myself and ask you a simple phase
identification question. I’ve had some trouble in trying to figure out
what’s going on with one measurement done in our lab. The sample is a
~30nm film heat treated in air at 500C, composition is Ce:Sn in close
to 1:1 ratio plus oxygen in addition to those. I can’t tell if there’s
any very light elements as we only have EDX data at the moment, and
the actual amount of O is still unclear due to 3-4nm of native SiO2
under the sample and I don’t have any XPS/RBS/SIMS profile data yet. I
can’t find anything from our databases that would fit even remotely
close to the measured data. (we have ages old PDF2 but I’ve imported
every CeOx, SnOx and CexSnyOz structure I could find from latest
ICSD). Indexing is a bit frustrating as well since I can’t be sure if
it’s a single phase, and I don’t have too much experience with
unknowns anyway.
The measurement was done in grazing incidence mode with 1deg incident
angle (it seems that there was some 0.014deg of 2theta shift back
then). I’ve done rocking curve measurements from the first six
reflections, based on that it doesn’t seem to be textured so there
shouldn’t be reflections missing due to that (particle statistics is
obviously a different matter…). When measuring with different incident
angles (from 0.25 to 3.75 2th) the diffractograms don’t seem to
change, so there’s probably no separate layers but one homogeneous
matter. The data is found here for those interesting in trying:
<> And before you ask,
there’s no reflections below the one at 23.5 2th. And it’s a Cu tube.
I really appreciate any effort and time any of you might spend with
the data. I’m currently trying to find something from the literature
but no success so far. Hopefully you can make me feel stupid and find
out the easy solution before I do J
Have a nice weekend!
Mikko Heikkilä, M.Sc., Laboratory engineer
Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
P.O. Box 55 (A.I. Virtasen aukio 1)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
phone: +358919150216
mobile: +358504160572
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Max-Planck-Institut fuer Intelligente Systeme
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