1.      Bish, D.L. and S.A. Howard, Quantitative Phase-Analysis Using the
Rietveld Method. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1988. 21: p. 86-91.
2.      Bish, D.L. and J.E. Post, Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis Using the
Rietveld Full-Pattern Fitting Method. American Mineralogist, 1993.
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3.      Snyder, R.L. and D.L. Bish, Quantitative-Analysis. Reviews in
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> [Original Message]
> From: Dr. STEPHEN SIN-YIN, CHUI <chui...@hkucc.hku.hk>
> To: <rietveld_l@ill.fr>
> Date: 12/15/2009 12:06:01 AM
> Subject: References on quantitative phase analysis using GSAS
> Dear rietvelders,
> Apart from tutorials, are there any published examples that describe
> quantitative phase analysis of solids using GSAS? I would like to read
> kind of articles for references. many thanks for your suggestions.
> best regards
> stephen
> -- 
> Dr. Stephen Sin-Yin Chui
> Research Assistant Professor,
> Department of Chemistry,
> The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road,
> Hong Kong SAR, China.
> Tel: 22415814 (Office), 22415818 (X-ray Diffraction Laboratory)

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