Dear All,

I am actually having problems using seqgsas. I have already used it (a
long time ago) with some neutron data from ILL and it was working fine.
Now I am trying to use it again with data from ID11 at the ESRF and it
does not work. The data have been corrected and integrated using fit2d
and then transform into gsas format using other software. When starting
seqgsas, I have got an error message saying :
"file is apparently sequential access format
conversion to DOS direct access scratch attempted
No more raw data files"

Any suggestion?
Thanks for your help

PS: I can send you some .gsa files and an .exp if you want

Dr. Caroline Curfs
BP 220
38043 Grenoble Cedex
Ph: +33 4 76 88 27 20
Fax: +33 4 76 88 29 07

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