Dear Rietvelders

My apologies if the question is somewhat off-topic, but I don't know anywhere 
else to post it.

I need to describe the interaction in a pi-pi stacked, coplanar aromatic ring 
system. The standard parameter, which can be obtained easily, is the distance 
of the l.s. planes of the rings. I'd like to go further and calculate the 
degree of overlap in terms of the area shared by the rings.

The procedure I'm thinking of is:
(i) Project the area covered by ring 1 on the area of ring 2
(ii) Calculate the intersection of the projected area of ring 1 and the area of 
ring 2
(iii) Take the percentage of the intersection (area) with respect to the area 
of ring 2

A concrete example: Two coplanar benzene rings in the same orientation with 
respect to their sixfold axes would have a degree of overlap of 100%. 

Did anyone come across a program capable of doing this calculation, or does 
anyone have an alternative (better) suggestion to describe the degree of 

Thanks for your help in advance.

Franz Werner
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry
Vienna, Austria
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