Dear Ficusia:

        Extremely rare materials do not change their cell parameters when 
temperature changes, some materials shrinking in particular temperature range 
and most materials always expanding. Therefore fixing the cell parameters is 
obviously not practical.
        When temperature increases, thermal excitation becomes more and more 
important and causes decreasing diffraction intensities and peak broadening. In 
this case, Debye-Waller factors are neccessary to be handled.
        In summary, cell parameters and DW factors can sufficiently explain 
your temperature dependent diffraction patterns, i think. Except the two, 
tuning experimental-condition parameters, including particle size, might be 
auxiliary and sometimes tricky, but i don't think exp. parameters can 
substantially account your results.

Jun Lu
Lst. Prof. Lijie Qiao
Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry
University of Science and Technology Beijing
100083 Beijing
P.R. China
Lst. Prof. Loidl and Lunkenheimer
Experimental Physics V
Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM)
University of Augsburg
Universitaetsstr. 2
86159 Augsburg
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 8:10 AM
  Subject: XRD data: particle size, cell size etc

        I use to do XRD from room temperature to High temperature and then 
cooling again at room temperature.
        I see there is constant going to the right for all the peaks and also 
their intensities are decreasing, also the width of peaks is becoming larger.
        I would like to interpret those data and also to calculate the particle 
size and the unit cell size (if there is a change with the temperature).
        It seems the phase is not change only the shits and the intensities 

        I would like to calculate taking in account the data I have (Intensity 
vs. 2*theta plot)

        I found a formula but there is included the unit cells parameters and I 
do not want to use that, because my goal is to find the unit cell parameter 
using the recorded data for each set of data.

        * How to interpret the constant moving of my intensities to the right 
with each temperature step?

        *How to interpret the constant decreasing in intensity of every peak 
with each temperature step?

        *How to interpret the constant increasing wide each peak with each 
temperature step?

        Could you help me to interpret those data or to guide to read something 
on the web to help me with this?
        Thank you! 

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