There is actually a third form of SnO obtained at high pressure that is not included in COD but is listed in ICSD. It is not a layer structure like the common forms, but interestingly has all Sn and O tetrahedrally coordinated.
Serebrjanaja, N.R.;Kabalkina, S.S.;Vereshchagin, L.F. The crystal structure of tin oxide at high pressure(1969)Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 187, 307-310 Alan. Leopoldo Suescun said: > If you search the Crystallography Open Database (COD) at > > you will be able to find the two different crystalline forms of SnO plus > ~80000 more cif files, all for free with a convenient search engine. ______________________________________________ Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE <> +33.476.98.41.68 ______________________________________________