For an overview and introduction, I like Pecharsky and Zavilij, Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction
and Structural Characterization of Materials.  (1st or 2nd ed).

For a more physical approach: x-ray diffraction by B.E. Warren (Dover, 1999) and Wilson, Mathematical Theory
of X-ray Powder Diffraction.  Philips Technical Library 1963.

David Lee, Ph.D.
DTLee Scientific, llc

On Jul 9, 2009, at 8:03 AM, wrote:

Dear Rietveld users,
Can anyone please help me by giving some references about the detailed mathematical methods used in GSAS to calculate the electron density from an X Ray profile? mainly the detailed mathematical backgrounds about the routines FOBS, FOURIER and FORSRH are very much required to me... Thanking you all,

Prasun Sharma Chowdhury
Senior Research Fellow
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata
PIN 700064
West Bengal, India

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