This is not really Rietveld, though there is a connection, and there are ~1000 X-ray experts here.
I am interested in sourcing and comparing fluorescent X-ray scintillator screens (not photographic film) suitable for use with CCD detectors (ie sensitive to 1A-2A X-rays with good emission of green 520A light). I know for example that Kodak "Min-R 2190" fluorescent X-ray screens are sold in 240x300mm cassettes also containing photographic contact film for breast scanning, and some people have used "Min-R 2190" screens for crystallography (they are supposed to be quite sensitive, good for reducing X-ray doses). Fuji also make X-ray screens of course. And I know that companies like Applied Scintillation Technologies make fluorescent X-ray screens for security scanners; these have also been used for crystallography. 1) So experience of X-ray fluorescent screens for crystallography, especially with CCD detectors ? 2) Sources of "not too expensive but efficient" X-ray fluorescent screens of at least 120x160mm? Thanks to anyone who can comment. Alan. ______________________________________________ Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE <> +33.476.98.41.68 ______________________________________________