Dear Maxim V. Lobanov,

Thanks for your suggestion. I used the rawplot and I got the three columns

data but GSAS can't use it as the raw data to do refinement.

So if your software can generate the data that GSAS can use to do 

the refinement, please send me. Thanks a lot.


Quoting "Maxim V. Lobanov" <>:

> Dear Peng,
> You can simply use rawplot within GSAS package - then play around 
> with export options.
> I used to write a small software doing that in automatic way (calling 
> rawplot and doing some extra operations - I used it to convert the 
> TOF data into pseudo-CW to compare with X-ray and CW neutron): I 
> don't know if it is universal, but at least it worked correctly with 
> data from LANL. If you are interested I can send you the executable 
> (for Windows only).
> Sincerely,
> Maxim.
> -------------------------------------------
> Dr. Maxim Lobanov
> R&D Director
> Huntsman-NMG
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> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 7:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: From TIME MAP to FXYE format
> Hi, All,
> I am working on converting GSAS format data from time-map to .fxye.
> However, I never find a good fxye format data that GSAS can use to do
> the refinement. If you have one from neutron diffraction or you know how
> to convert time-map to fxye, please let me know. Thanks a lot.
> Peng

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