I would suggest that you do the background refinement with GSAS. Try
using Expgui, a graphical
interface to gsas written by Brian Toby, to select background points
and do a background fit.
There are excellent tutorials on doing this available at:
Also, you need to find out why your background is so high and rough.
Do you have
other phases present? Is your material not fully crystallized? Is
your sample
(if a powder) ground finely enough? Is your sample surface smooth
and flat?
Good Luck,
David Lee, Ph.D.
DTLee Scientific, llc
On May 19, 2009, at 6:16 AM, wahyu bambang wrote:
Dear all rietvelder,
Please give me a suggestion about my problem.
I want to do quantitative analysis using GSAS, however my diffraction
pattern has very high and rough background which makes me difficult to
do preliminary qualitative works to determine the available phases.
Is it alright if I substract the background and refine it a little
first using another refinement software before I go through GSAS?
I really appreciate your kindness to answer.