10th Canadian Neutron Summer School The Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering (<http://www.cins.ca>) will be holding the tenth Neutron Summer School at Chalk River on June 15-19, 2009. The talks and demonstration experiments will be organized by the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre (<http://neutron.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/>) at the Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario. There are about 15 places remaining for the summer school.
FORMAT The aim of the school is to give an introduction to a wide range of topics associated with thermal neutron scattering, including powder diffraction, stress analysis, texture, reflectometry, magnetism and neutron scattering, SANS, and inelastic scattering together with the underlying theory associated with neutron scattering. Lectures will be held in the mornings, which will be followed by a variety of demonstration practical experiments on the neutron instruments at the NRU reactor (<http://www.nrureactor.ca/php/mainFlash.php>) in the afternoons. Attendees will be able to select four hands-on practicals at the reactor with the neutron instruments. The aim of the school is to give a broad overview of neutron methods and applications, concentrating on those techniques available at a thermal neutron source. TARGET AUDIENCE The lectures are aimed at beginning graduate students who have a wide variety of backgrounds in the sciences, such as: * physics * chemistry * materials science * structural biology * mineralogy. The theory will be presented in a way that should be understood by people in any of these fields. Therefore, graduate students, postdocs, faculty and industrial scientists should profit from attending the school. APPLICATION We have capped the number of students to 30 in order to be able to give personal experience of the practical demonstrations to every student. The early-bird fee is CAD 300. Very affordable accommodation has been arranged. Places will be allotted on a first come-first served basis, provided the applicants can meet minimum security clearance to enter the Chalk River site. FURTHER INFORMATION For more information, visit <http://www.cins.ca/ss2009.html> or <http://www.cins.ca/ssreg.html> to register. Contact: Ian Swainson (ian.swain...@nrc.gc.ca <mailto:ian.swain...@nrc.gc.ca>; Tel: 613 584 8811 x 43995) for further details. CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED INFORMATION NOTICE This e-mail, and any attachments, may contain information that is confidential, subject to copyright, or exempt from disclosure. Any unauthorized review, disclosure, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or reliance on this information may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. AVIS D'INFORMATION CONFIDENTIELLE ET PRIVILÉGIÉE Le présent courriel, et toute pièce jointe, peut contenir de l'information qui est confidentielle, régie par les droits d'auteur, ou interdite de divulgation. Tout examen, divulgation, retransmission, diffusion ou autres utilisations non autorisées de l'information ou dépendance non autorisée envers celle-ci peut être illégale et est strictement interdite.