Hi Shishir,

I'd like to help, but I am not exactly sure what you want.
First, you are asking for "example code".
 Does this mean that you want to work in launch mode instead
 of using the GUI? If so, why?
Second, it would be important to know why exactly you want to
 use simultaneous refinement.
 This option only makes sense if you have parameters which should
 be the same for different data sets. If, for example, you have
 measured the same sample at different temperatures, what would be
 the common refined parameters? The lattice parameters are of course
 different for different temperatures. If you are doing a Rietveld
 fit, will you refine the atomic coordinates? If not, there should
 be no need for simultaneous refinement. If yes, I would argue that
 the atomic coordinates should differ slightly with temperature.
 Again, no need for simultaneous refinement. The only parameter
 I could think of whould be some intrumental parameter which shouldn't
 change with temperature or the sample measured (e.g. zero shift).
 The same arguments would apply for a doping series.
Simultaneous refinement makes sense if you have measured the same
 sample with different wavelengths or methods. Whether it is reasonable
 to refine a common structure model on a combination of neutron and
 XRD data simultaneously is open for discussion. Multiple wavelength
 synchrotron data might be a good example for simultaneous refinement.
Another possibility would be a series of phase mixtures composed of
 the same phases. If you are interested in refining the structures
 of these phases and can't get them phase pure, you might try to
 correlate the peak shape and structure parameters to partially
 compensate the effects of peak overlap between the different phases.

Best wishes,

sisir ray wrote:
Does any body have an working example code for TOPAS Academic for simultaneous fitting of different diffractograms obtained at different temperatures or for different doping concentrations .I really appreciate your help.

Shishir Ray
Graduate Student

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