There are currently 1125 subscribers to the Rietveld list. The largest number (224) use .com email addresses, then .edu and .gov from the US (total 157), the UK (116), Germany (77), France (71), Italy (52), Brazil (44), Spain (37), Australia (36), India (31), Canada (30) but also significant numbers in China(17), Switzerland(15), Korea (14), Japan (14), Poland (14), Greece (13), South Africa (11), Mexico (10) etc... Other email domains are listed below.
.ca 30 * .sa 1 * .ua 1 * .za 11 * .id 3 * .be 4 * .de 77 * .ee 1 * .ie 2 * .se 2 * .ve 2 * .bg 5 * .org 4 * .ch 15 * .th 1 * .fi 3 * .si 4 * .dk 1 * .hk 3 * .sk 5 * .uk 116 * .il 6 * .mil 2 * .nl 9 * .pl 14 * .om 1 * .com 224 * .cn 17 * .in 31 * .tn 1 * .co 5 * .jo 1 * .no 8 * .to 1 * .jp 14 * .ar 4 * .br 44 * .fr 71 * .gr 13 * .hr 5 * .ir 1 * .kr 14 * .tr 8 * .es 37 * .at 8 * .net 16 * .it 52 * .pt 7 * .au 36 * .cu 1 * .edu 106 * .eu 1 * .hu 2 * .ru 9 * .su 1 * .gov 51 * .mx 10 * .by 1 * .my 1 * .uy 1 * .cz 6 ______________________________________________ Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE <> +33.476.98.41.68 ______________________________________________