Dear Simon, I think it would be nice to have an open web-resource summarizing good practice of full-profile refinement, especially if it is supported by real diffraction data for, say, simple widely available standards (quartz, silicon, corundum etc.) measured at various diffractometers and fitted using different models. Comparing data and refinement results might help answering such "intimate" questions like: - How good is the program I use (or going to use)? - What kind of model and parameters are the best for this or that setup and sample? - Is my instrument efficient enough and well aligned? - Whether the instrument I plan buying or the beamline I think visiting is that good as the advertisement suggests? ...... So, the benefits are evident and the "only" problem is to find a coordinator of the movement - is it you, Simon? ;-)
Regards, Leonid ******************************************************** Leonid A. Solovyov Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology 660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia ******************************************************** --- On Sun, 3/22/09, Simon Billinge <> wrote: > From: Simon Billinge <> > Subject: Cagliotti and Other Issues > To: "rietveld_l" <> > Date: Sunday, March 22, 2009, 8:50 PM > Dear Rietvelders.... > > What is the most complete and authoritative source for > issues such as > profile function definitions, what is their scientific > basis, and when > are they appropriate to use, etc.? I am guessing > there is not > one-stop-shop solution (Young's book? GSAS manual? Rietveld > list > archive?) but advice on this would be helpful. > > I wonder if we should, as a community, put some of this > stuff on > wikipedia, or another such place. In other words, > distill the > community's collective knowledge in a single place that can > be updated > in the future, and also curated for correctness also by the > community. > What are people's thoughts on this? Rietveldipedia? > > S >