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#000066; font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;background-color: #ff9933; }
전달편지의 본문내용은 편지에 첨부되어 발송이 됩니다.
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#000066; font-family: 'Courier New' , Monospace;background-color: #ff9933; }
In a program, PowderCell, one can easily transform its view between
hexagonal and rhombohedral in Rhombohederal Perovskites.
I want to transform from Rhombohederal Perovskites to pseudo-cubic (primitive
The inter-relationship of rhombohedral, hexagonal and pseudo-cubic axes was
articulated in this paper.
H. D. Megaw and C. N. W. Darlington, "Geometrical and structural relations
in the rhombohedral perovskites",
Acta Cryst. (1975). A31, 161-173 [
doi:10.1107/S0567739475000332 ]
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