Dear Rietvelders,
I am sorry about the previous message, did not realize it was going to
the group address.

Dr. Tamas Varga
Materials Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Bldg 223
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Phone: 630-252-5347

----- Original Message -----
From: Cora Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, January 21, 2008 3:34 pm
Subject: IUCr Meeting Osaka - Travel Fellowships

> The U.S. National Committee for Crystallography, in cooperation 
> with the 
> ACA, will provide partial support for travel to the International 
> Union of 
> Crystallography Meeting in Osaka, Japan. To be eligible, applicants 
> must be 
> graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, or untenured faculty 
> members in 
> any of the Crystallographic, Diffraction, and Imaging Sciences 
> affiliated 
> with the IUCr. Undergraduate students will be considered in 
> exceptional 
> cases. Applicants must be training at a U.S. institution. Fellows 
> are 
> expected to submit a short report in return for their support after 
> the 
> meeting.
> An application should include the following:
> (1) Cover page indicating name, address, telephone number, fax, e-
> mail 
> address, name and address of mentor;
> (2) A current Curriculum Vita of the applicant;
> (3) Abstract including title and authors, with applicant as 
> presenter, 
> submitted for presentation at the 2008 IUCr meeting;
> (4) A paragraph by the applicant describing where they are in their 
> career 
> and why they want to attend the Osaka meeting;
> (5) A letter of recommendation from their mentor. This letter 
> should also 
> detail the group's travel funding and explain why funds from the 
> USNCCr are 
> needed for the student.
> Deadline: 1 March 2008.
> Send applications to:
> Cora Lind
> Department of Chemistry, MS 602
> The University of Toledo
> Toledo, OH 43606
> Phone: (419) 530-1505
> FAX: (419) 530-4033
> *******************************************
> Dr. Cora Lind
> WO 2262
> Department of Chemistry, MS 602
> University of Toledo
> Toledo, OH 43606-3390
> Phone:        (419) 530-1505 (W)      (419) 472-8364 (H)      (607) 592-4650 
> (Cell - 
> when 
> traveling)
> Fax:          (419) 530-4033 (W)      (419) 472-8364 (H)
> e-mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *******************************************
  • sorry Olga Smirnova
    • sorry Olga Smirnova
    • sorry tvarga

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