Hi all,

I have a question using fix (FDS) and programmable slits (ADS) for
Rietveld analysis.
Actually, I work with a X'PERT equipment with fast detection and with
programmable divergence slits in the incident beam and a programmable
antiscattering slits in the diffracted beam.
I have also the possibility to use them in a fix mode. 
I would like to know the opinion of the community about the best
configuration of this slits (fix or programmable) if a Rietveld analysis
is required.
In fact, using programmable slits, the software corrects data and
changes from ADS to FDS. What is the interest to use ADS in this case? 
Thank you all

Maria Fabra Puchol
Microanalysis Engineer
Saint-Gobain CREE
550, Avenue Alphonse Jauffret
84306 Cavaillon Cedex-France
telf: +33 (0)4 32 50 09 36
fax: +33 (0)4 32 50 08 51

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