Brian and Jo, It happens to me that the flag unticks itself only when you open the dropdown menu to select the correction and then tick the flag. If after the first cycle with the flag unticked you tick again without opening the menu the correction is applied nicely and the flag remains ticked. HTH. Leo
Dr. Leopoldo Suescun Postodoctoral Appointee Materials Science Division - Bldg 223 - Rm D217 Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439 Phone: 1 (630) 252 9760 Fax: 1 (630) 252 7777 URL: _____ From: Brian H. Toby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:43 PM To: Subject: Re: Absorption in expgui Jo, The surface roughness coefficients can be refined, but they can be very touchy. Do you have evidence (all very low angle peaks computing much higher than observed) for a need for the correction? The flag should not "untick" itself in EXPGUI unless the @#$#^& author got it wrong again. Brian On Mar 20, 2007, at 12:35 PM, Duncan, Jo wrote: Hello all, Using expgui (GSAS) and I am trying to get some bragg-bretano flat plate surface roughness corrections on the go. I have used the absorption for cylindrical samples (tof) when I define the number but whenever I try to refine the quantity and run genles it resets to zero and unticks itself everytime. Is it the case that you have to enter the absorption coeffs yourself? If so, why is there a tick box? Thanks in advance. Jo ******************************************************************** Brian H. Toby, Ph.D. office: 630-252-5488 Materials Characterization Group Leader, Advanced Photon Source 9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg. 433/D003 work cell: 630-327-8426 Argonne National Laboratory secretary (Marija): 630-252-5453 Argonne, IL 60439-4856 e-mail: brian dot toby at anl dot gov ********************************************************************
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