Yes, the problem was already reported by some colleagues in Germany and the US as well. These customers did reclaim, but I don't know the answers of the company. It is obvious that McCrone Ltd needs a new supplier for more densely sintered corundum ceramics.
Reinhard Kleeberg

Mati Raudsepp schrieb:

We have been using the McCrone Micronizing mill for many years with the pink corundum grinding elements with good results. Generally, contamination from the grinder ranged from not detectable to a maximum of 1-3 wt.% depending on the specimen. Most of the material we grind is quartz/feldspar rich rock. Recently we got the new style elements which are white, not as well finished and look slightly porous relative to the old elements. Regrinding old specimens as a check now gives about 7-10 wt.% contamination from the elements. McCrone admits having complaints about the new elements but I have not had a chance to follow up to see if there is a solution.

Have any of you McCrone users found the same problem with the new white elements?

Mati Raudsepp, Professor (Hon.)
Director:  Electron-microbeam/X-ray Diffraction Laboratory
Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences
6339 Stores Road
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4

Tel:   604-822-6396
Fax:  604-822-6088

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