Out of curiousity I downloaded a copy of DrawXTL (Windows version & source as 
well). BTW still more work on the FCJ function. It had a bad habit of 
misbehaving for reflections at exactly 90.0000 deg 2-theta & tmp=0.0. It seems 
that the choice of F=0.0 was a bad one (divide by zero crashes, etc.). Changing 
it to F=1.0 made problem go away without screwing up the profile. I'll send 
source if you want - I don't have it on this machine.


From: Larry W. Finger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 12/13/2004 6:14 PM
To: Larry W. Finger

Larry Finger and Martin Kroeker are pleased to announce the release of two
new versions (V4.1 and V5.0) of DRAWxtl, an open-source crystal-structure
drawing program. V4.1 is a maintenance update of V4.0 with new features
described below. V5.0 adds a full-featured Graphical User Interface ,
whereby the parameters of the drawing can be adjusted via convenient menus
and sliders, and the results seen in real time. If desired, V4.1 can be
built without the openGL window.

This release includes executables for the Macintosh (OS X only), thanks to
the help of Brian Toby of NIST. Binaries are also available for Windows,
Linux, and IRIX 64.

These programs can be downloaded from

The specific features of the new releases are as follows:

    1. V5.0 can read a SHELX input file and create the accompanying 'str'
file containing an inline
       SHELX command.
    2. The SYMM and LATT lines in a SHELX input file are interpreted to set
the symmetry. A separate
       'spgp' input line is no longer needed, but it still will work.
    3. The frame command has been upgraded to permit separate space groups
and packing ranges
       for each frame. As before, each frame has distinct atom lists and
objects such as spheres,
       bonds, and polyhedra. Now a single drawing can represent a
cage-compound framework
       with an adsorbed molecule that has lower symmetry than the
framework, or it is possible to
       draw ball-and-stick and polyhedral pictures in side-by-side unit
cells. Both of these are
       demonstrated in the examples.
    4. Commands that will plot magnetic spin vectors have been added.
    5. A dashed bond option has been added.
    6. The restriction that made it impossible for a given atom to be the
center of a sphere and
       a vertex of a polyhedron simultaneously has been removed. There are
no such restrictions
       now. Caution: this change may break some old data files.
    7. A 'finish' command that changes the ambient, diffuse, specular, and
roughness properties
       of objects in a POV diagram has been added.
    8. A new command 'noshadow' that prevents objects in a POV diagram from
casting a shadow
       has been added.
    9. A new 'slab' command that defines a (possibly oblique) cutout box of
specified dimensions
       and offsets has been added. This command has two modes: (1) an
outline of the box
       is overlaid on the structure image to allow accurate placement of
the box, and (2) any
       portion the diagram outside the box is deleted. With this command,
features of the
       structure that are not aligned with the unit-cell axes may be more
easily isolated and
   10. Problems in the dynamic variable assignments have been fixed.
   11. Quite a bit of housekeeping has been performed on the programs.
   12. A method for deleting extraneous objects using the pointing device
has been added.

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