I really must object to such unnecessarily large files being sent on this mailing list. This last one was nearly 1 mb yet contained information that need only take a few hundred bites in ascii. I havent got the space for this stuff and also it has a nasty habit of screwing our system. If you must send binary pics, at least make them compressed gifs (vastly smaller). In this case an asci file would have been perfectly adequate. Martin Vickers School of Crystallography Birkbeck College
- GaN c-parameter Diffract
- Re: GaN c-parameter S. Gierlotka
- Re: GaN c-parameter John Faber
- Re: GaN c-parameter Martin Vickers
- Re: GaN c-parameter Armel Le Bail
- Re: GaN c-parameter John Faber
- Re: GaN c-parameter Diffract
- Re: GaN c-parameter John Faber