Dear everyone,
  Hi, i am a new user of the Rietveld refinement. Currently my 
interest is in the extraction of size/strain information from the line 
broadening profile of XRD pattern. The substance i am working on 
is organic Paracetamol powder.

  I am confused by the concept/definition of the size, which is 
expressed as the 'coherent domain size, or weighted mean of 
length of columns of unit cells in the direction parallel to the 
diffraction vector, averaged within domains and throughout the 
samples' . My questions are:-

a) what is/are the difference(s) between this 'size' compared to the 
size measured by other, mostly optical, methods? (such as laser-
size analyser?) Is the difference orginated from the direction of the 
measurement of size, in which the direction from size analysis by 
line broadening is fixed to be parallel to diffraction vector; while the 
size analysers only take the longest dimension in a random 

b) if the size effect in the line broadening of the whole powder 
diffraction pattern is taken as isotropic, then which direction is the 
<D> taken for (normal to which diffraction vector) in the analysis?

Any help/advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks in 

Chun Min

Chun Min CHEW
Particle Products Group
Department of Chemical & Process Engineering
University of Sheffield
Mappin Street
Sheffield S1 3JD
Telephone: (44)0114 222 7543
Fax: (44)0114 222 7501

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