
        You'll have fun and learn a lot of strange things playing with powders (I know 
I have).

        We have both a Siemens (Bruker) D5000 and two INEL systems.  Both give 
excellent data, etc.  The INEL systems, due to the parallel beam optics are way more 
sensitive to alignment.  However, because of the fact that we have a flat plate 
monochromator, we have peak profiles that are a lot easier to fit (only Kalpha1 and no 
'tube wings') even if the low angle peaks are a bit asymmetric.  I understand that by 
coupling a mirror to the monochromator of the INEL systems you can double or triple 
the X-ray flux, but I have no first hand experience of that.  Besides, right now I am 
working on hooking up one of our INEL systems to a rotating anode generator, which 
should be even better (Lee can tall you I'm always wanting to use 'the other port' in 
any rotating anode generator).

        Let me know if you'd like more comments.


Dr. Alexandre F. T. Yokochi
Assistant Professor (Senior Research)
Director, X-ray Crystallographic Facilities
Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-4003

Ph#  (541) 737-6724     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax# (541) 737-2062     Web Page: (temporarily 

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