My name is Joseph Reibenspies
I am the manager of X-ray services for the Department of
Chemistry Texas A & M University.
I have been a single-crystal diffraction user since 1982.
I cut my teeth with Oren Anderson at Colorado State University
and never looked back.
I have managed the single-crystal lab at TAMU since 1987
Of course most of you know A. Clearfield and S. Ouyang of our
department. I am about to join in on the powder fun.
Recently we have been awarded a grant from the NSF for X-ray powder
equipment for our departmental facility. Since I have all of you
on the "horn", I would like to ask a question.
We will purchase a new top of the line x-ray powder instrument.
I have read the round-robin report and I wonder if things have
changed since its publication.
Which x-ray powder diffractometer is the best? What is the
best optics for the diffractometer. What is the best
detection pathway etc.
I would like to hear every opinion. As they say in Texas
"talk is cheap, takes money to buy whiskey"
Thanks in advance.
Joseph Reibenspies
Joseph H. Reibenspies Ph.D. Associate Research Professor
Department of Chemistry Texas A & M University
College Station, Texas 77842 (979)845-9125
fx (979)845-8184 [EMAIL PROTECTED]