Hi all,

as announced, there are new PC versions (level 2.3.9) available
on the BGMN server
Especially, a new kind of anisotropy was introduced: ANISO4.
It is recommended for strain/stress in the manner
There was an oral presentation of P.W. Stephens entitled
  "Rietveld and Profile fits with Anisotropic Line Broadening"
at EPDIC 5 in Parma/Italy. Unfortunately, there is no printed
version of this speech available. In his abstract, P.W. Stephens
cites the following papers:
-P. Thompson et al., J. Less Common Met. 129, 105 (1991)
-J. Rodriguez-Carjaval et al., J. Phys. Condens. Matter 3, 3215 (1991)

There are some other, minor new features.

Download and enjoy!

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