Hi Zeeshan,

We have typically seen this issue when we have lots of indexes created in
that instance. On a t2.medium machine we already have around 512+ indexes
created in data folder. In such case, if we trying to create any new
indexes it's taking time. Association of Index to Bucket is failing even
after  the FetchIndex operation returning sucess as shown in the below code.

is there any limitation of the number of Indexes? Any thing related to
FileSystem handlers causing this issue?


     FetchIndex fetchIndex = new FetchIndex.Builder(indexName).build();

String> fetchIndexFuture = client.executeAsync(fetchIndex);



response = fetchIndexFuture.get();

      List<YokozunaIndex> indexes = response.getIndexes();

      for(YokozunaIndex index:indexes){



       logger.info("Index "+indexName+" created ");




     }catch(Exception e){

     logger.warn("Unable to get "+indexName+" Still trying");




On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Zeeshan Lakhani <zlakh...@basho.com> wrote:

> Hello Baskar, Santi,
> 2-15 minutes is a long while, and we’ve not seen index
> creation/propagation be so slow. I’d definitely take a closer look at how
> you’re creating these indexes dynamically on the fly, as index creation is
> typically a more straightforward admin task.
> We’ve added defaults to solrconfig.xml to handle most typical use-cases.
> You can read more about solrconfig.xml at
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml#mainIndex_Section. You may want
> to take another look and optimize/improve your schema design to prevent
> such issues. You can read more about Solr’s performance factors here ->
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrPerformanceFactors.
> Thanks.
> Zeeshan Lakhani
> programmer |
> software engineer at @basho |
> org. member/founder of @papers_we_love | paperswelove.org
> twitter => @zeeshanlakhani
> On Mar 5, 2015, at 3:00 PM, Baskar Srinivasan <bas...@veradocs.com> wrote:
> Hello Zeeshan,
> Thanks for the pointer regarding waiting for index creation in each node
> in the cluster.
> Presently, when the indices get created on one node, it takes a full 2-15
> minutes for it to get created on other nodes in the cluster. Following are
> the timestamps on 3 nodes for a single index:
> #Create index request from our server via load balancer
> 11:16:52.999 [http-bio-8080-exec-3] INFO  c.v.s.u.RiakClientUtil - Created
> index for bsr-test-fromlocal-1-Access_index
> #1st node, immediate creation (12 secs) once call is issued from our server
> 2015-03-05 19:17:04.135 [info] <0.17388.104>@yz_index:local_create:189
> Created index bsr-test-fromlocal-1-Access_index with schema
> #2nd node, takes another 4 minutes for creation request to propagate
> 2015-03-05 19:21:17.879 [info] <0.20606.449>@yz_index:local_create:189
> Created index bsr-test-fromlocal-1-Access_index
> #3rd node, takes 15 minutes for creation request to propagate
> 2015-03-05 19:32:32.172 [info] <0.14715.94>@yz_index:local_create:189
> Created index bsr-test-fromlocal-1-Access_index
> Is there a solr config we can tune to make the 2nd and 3rd node
> propagation more immediate in the order of < 60 seconds?
> Thanks,
> Baskar
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Zeeshan Lakhani <zlakh...@basho.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Santi, Baskar. Please keep your messages on the user group mailing
>> list, btw. Thanks.
>> Here’s an example of our testing harness’s wait_for_index function,
>> https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/blob/develop/riak_test/yz_rt.erl#L420.
>> We check for the index on each of the nodes, which is an approach you can
>> take.
>> And, as I mentioned, I’m currently working on making Index creation
>> synchronous to make this easier.
>> If your logs are not pointing to any errors and being that your bucket,
>> index contains so few objects, I’d delete or mv the search-root/index
>> directory (./data/yz/<<index_name>>) and let AAE resync the data, which
>> should then give you consistent results.
>> Thanks.
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