Hi Damien,

This one flew by unanswered. After speaking with a friend internally, I
hear that the boundary plugin [1] picks this up and shows it nicely.  I
would use that with a basho bench run (How to here [2]) to get a sense of
what the network traffic profile looks like.  It is usually quite a bit
higher than just the ingest stream due to replication of 3.

[1] https://github.com/boundary/boundary-plugin-riak
[2] http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/building/benchmarking/

Hope that helps!


*Matt Brender | Developer Advocacy Lead*
Basho Technologies
t: @mjbrender <https://twitter.com/mjbrender>

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 4:08 AM, Damien Krotkine <
damien.krotk...@booking.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to (at least approximately know) how much gossiping (and other
> things that are non strictly data-copying related) uses of the network
> bandwidth.
> Is there any information I can lookup in logs or via the console, or even
> any experiment that I can do to measure it?
> I am operating clusters in a bandwidth-constrainted environment, and I'd
> like to keep bandwidth usage to a minimum
> Thanks,
> dams
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