Hi all,

We are using Solr indexes on top of Riak keys to make the search more

One of the doubts regarding Solr is rebuilding the indexes. That could
happen when we want to add a new index to the schema - which would mean
drop and recreate the indexes.

As far as we know after dropping and recreating the Solr indexes, for the
already existing keys in Riak thos indexes don't rebuild. Is there a way to
rebuild indexes on already existing keys when recreating a Solr index?

Also, if that's possible, any idea how time costly that'd be? Let's take
example rebuilding indexes for 100 million riak keys.

Another doubt is around corrupting Solr indexes? How "probable" is it? Same
question as before.. in the case of a corrupted index, how easy would be to
re-index 100 million keys?

Thanks in advance.

[image: photo]
*Sorin Manole*
Senior Software Engineer, Trustev
m:+353 86 051 2658 | e:sorin.man...@trustev.com | w:www.trustev.com
<http://webapp.wisestamp.com/www.trustev.com>| a: Trustev Ltd, 2100 Airport
Business Park, Cork, Ireland.


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