
Apologies on the long post delay. We pushed from pre11 to pre20, and
figured out the issue. It looks like we had a mismatch between the
n-val on the bucket, vs the n-val on the seach_index... Pre20 throws
an error telling us to stop being stupid.

It does however allow us to change the n-val after linking the index
to the bucket, so I would wager a guess that this might induce the
same issue we saw before. We will test a bit to confirm when we get
the chance, but I welcome sage advice as to the logic behind this.


On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:10 AM, Ryan Zezeski <rzeze...@basho.com> wrote:
> John,
> 1. What did you use to load the data? Do you have a script?
> 2. What content-type is the data?
> 3. Do you see any errors in the log directory? Check error.log and solr.log.
> 4. Do you get any results for the query q=_yz_err:1
> 6. What version of Riak are you using?
> -Z
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 1:46 PM, John O'Brien <j...@boardom.ca> wrote:
>> Issue:
>> When running searchs against a single dev node cluster, pre-populated
>> with 1000 keys, bitcask backend, search=on and a /search/svan?q=*
>> search URI, the solr response is coming back with three different
>> resultsets, 330 values, the other 354, the other 345. The range of
>> keys 0-1000 are split in no obvious pattern between the 3 result
>> shards..
>> Anyone have any clue as to what I may have messed up in the config? I
>> assume this is not expected behaviour.
>> Other than that, it works great. ;)
>> Cheers,
>> John
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