Hi Rob,

I believe Ryan meant to wait a second to do a Yokozuna search, not a
general Riak K/V operation.

There is more information about "read your own writes" here:
Luke Bakken

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Rob Speer <r...@luminoso.com> wrote:
>> 5. Did you wait at least 1 second before running the queries?
> I'm not the original poster but I'm now wondering what this question means.
> Under what circumstances do you have to wait 1 second before query results
> are available?
> We want to always be able to run tests on our database rapidly, which
> includes loading data and then immediately querying to make sure the correct
> data is there. I know we've had some tests where we were not able to read
> our own writes, but I thought those were fixed by making sure we used vector
> clocks correctly. Is there a situation where you have to wait for an
> unspecified amount of time before you can read your writes?
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