I do this in nodejs all the time using the riak-js package. Here is a modified 
map function that I use in production (i added o.fullreturn):

var map = function(v, keydata, args) {
  if (v.values) {
    var ret = [], o = {};
    o.values = Riak.mapValuesJson(v)[0]; 
        o.fullreturn = v;
        return ret;
  } else {
        return [];

-Alexander Sicular


On Nov 8, 2013, at 4:04 PM, Dave King <djk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The combination of bucket, key, value and metadata are referred to as
> a “Riak Object” - so says the documentation
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/references/http/
> The little Riak Book shows a JS Map Reduce Function of
> function(raikOjbect,keyData,arg)
> so if I return riakObject from this function I'd expect to get the
> meta (links in particular) with the data for the object.
> I don't seem to be getting the full Riak Object, just the value(Json
> Document).  Am I missing something or doing something wrong?  Is there
> anyway to feed the results of a JS map reduce to a Converter in the
> Java API?
> - Peace
> Dave
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