Happy Sunday to All,

We've got a superb Recap for today: code, blogs, Riak in production, talks,
and much more.

If anyone is going to be in Las Vegas this week for Amazon's re:Invent
conference (or any other reason), ping me. I'll be in town with a handful
of the Basho team and would love to buy you a drink.

Also, we're hiring another Technical Evangelist in the Bay Area. If you're
located here and want to help us take over the world, please email me.



Riak Recap for October 26 - November 10

Go download the Riak 2.0 Tech Preview
- http://basho.com/technical-preview-of-riak-2-0/

Basho Hacker Sam Elliot published a proposal to make riak-core easier to
use. There is already a lot of action on this thread but I wanted to share
it regardless.

MJDSYS released a Riak Werker box. For those you not familiar with Werker,
it bills itself as "The open delivery platform" and looks pretty
- http://blog.wercker.com/2013/10/31/riak-wercker-box.html

The team at Megam posted their second in a series of blogs about building
services with Riak and Scala.
- http://blog.megam.co/archives/1014

David Cramer wrote a blog post about the Python-fronted Riak cluster he
just put into production to store event blob storage for getsentry.com.
- http://justcramer.com/2013/11/05/sentry-on-riak/

Basho Hacker Jordan West posted a write up of the new bucket types feature
coming in 2.0.
- https://gist.github.com/jrwest/3652ecd1db609e25cdaa

Basho Hacker and CORBA OG Steve Vinoski is giving talk called "Exploring
Riak's Service Architecture" at Houston's FP User Group. This is happening
on November 20th.
- http://www.meetup.com/Houston-Functional-Programmers/events/147903352/

Basho TE Tom "Carcetti" Santero is giving a talk at QCON San Francisco this
week. It's called "No Formula for This" and he'll be examining how Basho
does distributed teams. (Also, this talk is not to be missed if you happen
to fancy philosophy in addition to distributed systems.)
- http://qconsf.com/presentation/no-formula

We did the first of many Riak Community Hangouts this past Friday. The
first episode focused on Data Types and Riak Search in the forthcoming 2.0
release. Join us for the next episode this Friday at 11AM Pacific.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxzGY6_DnQU

Emiliano Mancuso released a ruby gem called ork-encryption (intended for
use with his Riak ORM called ork).
- http://rubygems.org/gems/ork-encryption
- http://rubygems.org/gems/ork

Sonny released fake-riak-js, a "quick and dirty riak-js API implementation
with memory storage for testing purposes."
- https://npmjs.org/package/fake-riak-js

Basho Hacker Russell Brown published a length gist called "A Bluffer's
guide to CRDTs." This is definitely worth a read for anyone who cares about
the upcoming data type support.
- https://gist.github.com/russelldb/f92f44bdfb619e089a4d

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