Thanks to Joe Caswell at Basho: just have to comment out line 382 
(node_up_check) in the riak-admin script.

Dave Brady

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Brady" <>
Sent: Lundi 21 Octobre 2013 13:59:37
Subject: 1.4.2: 'riak-admin reip' no longer works?

Hi everyone,

So, I went to copy /var/lib/riak/* from one five-node cluster to another, so 
that we could experiment on the data.

I did this fairly frequently in the past (< 1.4.0), and always used "riak-admin 
reip <old> <new>".

Now, when I try that command on our 1.4.2 ring, 'riak-admin' dies with "Node is 
not running!"

This confuses me, since "reip" requires the ring to be down, but the 
"riak-admin" script is indeed expecting the local node to be running when using 
this option.

I see on the wiki that it is mentioned that "cluster replace" will replace 
"reip" in the future.  I hope not, since "cluster replace" does not provide the 
same functionality.

Anyone run into this and find a fix?  (Or I am missing something obvious?)


Dave Brady

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